Educational Establishments
Education is becoming more and more important for the development of a town and is particularly supported in Wetzlar. The city committed itself, in its Agenda 21, to make education access easy for everyone, regardless of age, social status and cultural background.
Wetzlar has numerous educational establishments at its disposal, which offer the citizens a comprehensive and multifarious choice with regard to “life-long learning”.
The offer comprises Childrens` Day Care, Schools (primary schools, comprehensive schools, grammar schools, colleges), the Hessenkolleg, which enables one to sit ones “A” levels with second-chance education, and the Study Plus.
Should you have any queries regarding the general schools in Wetzlar, please do not hesitate to contact the Lahn-Dill District, which is the responsible education authority.
With respect to study plus, the middle Hesse Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Technical College, Giessen-Friedberg are constructively working together to place milestones for innovative training strategies for the nationwide, upto now unique offer, of a dual course of studies for industrial engineer, specializing in mechanical and electrical engineering finishing with a Bachelor Degree. More than 190 companies, mainly from the economic region of middle Hesse are, in the meantime, associated with study plus, which is encouraged by the European Union.
In addition, there is a series of further educational establishments as Youth Organization, Music School, Nature Conservation Acadamy, Adult Education Centre and Libraries.